“Professora Etelvina Lima” Medal



11 de July de 2023

EAV was invited by the Regional Council of Librarianship (6th region) to receive the honor “Medalha Professora Etelvina Lima 2023” in the category of Private Institution in Espírito Santo.

Since 2005, the CBR – 6th region awards institutions and professionals who have stood out on behalf of librarianship. This year, EAV was the only private school awarded for the relevant work provided by Learning Commons for the school community. ✨☺

Ms. Lahana and Ms. Rachel represented EAV at the awards event. Check out the video: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CqV-8YVJHJa/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==

We thank Ms. Lahana for her commitment and the CBR – 6th region for the honor!

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