Poems dynamic – 9th and 10th grade



28 de February de 2023

At EAV, in addition to English immersion, students also participate in projects in their native language, Portuguese, exploring the Brazilian language and culture. 🤗

In the first week of school, Ms. Marli, the Portuguese teacher, promoted a playful dynamic about poems with 9th and 10th grade students to approach text, reading, and writing.

The 9th grade students worked with “Caixinhas de Poemas”, dismembering texts by several Brazilian authors – Drummond, Cecília Meireles, Paulo Leminski, and Ronaldo Azeredo. Then, the students could put a puzzle of each poem, however, in the way each group found logical and meaningful.

The 10th graders explored, in the same dynamic, the poem “Cidade, city, cité”, by the great poet Augusto de Campos, in digital, mobile, and sound form. 🥰❤️

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